OFID Appraisal for Outer Islands Harbor, Water and Sewerage Facilities Project in Maldives

Our team had recently completed an appraisal project aimed for Maldives awarded by OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID). The appraisal was carried for a US$ 50 million loan which was approved by the OFID’s Governing Board in March 2019 based on the findings of the appraisal report. The project focuses on improving the harbors in 5 islands and providing water supply and sewerage systems in 8 islands. The project will have direct impact on more than 20,000 people residing in these islands and will improve the accessibility to islands, along with fishery industry. The health sector will benefit significantly through the improvements to water and sanitation practices as a result of water and sanitation infrastructure

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OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID)